
CNY is around de corner..!!

hey hey hey...!!
back to blogging...

college life was kinda busy...
lots assignment n hw to do everyday....
so....probably will only update my blog once a week... :(
had eca day last week...
urm...extra-curricular day....
lots clubs n societies....
n finally decided to sign up few clubs...
bowling, pre-medical society, n....
haha...DANCE club....
hope dey r fun....XD

n yeah....having one week break....FINALLY....
lolx...CNY is coming..!!!!
well...during CNY is fun..!!!!
BUT....b4 dat...sigh....
lots to do...
especially cleaning up my house...!!
it's tiring....
back aching..!!! :(
neewayz....cant wait to celebrate CNY..!!!! XD
can meet all relatives...
which i only see them once a yr..
getting ang pau...
hahahahaaa....cant wait...

oh yea...guys...
can u belive dat an egg stands..?
i mean...eggs are oval rite...
do u belive dat dey actually can stand still on deir tips..?
well....take a look at this..!! XD

haha...hey...i'm not dat silly n boring doin dis..!!
according to my mum...
today...according to chinese calender...
eggs stand on deir tips..!!
so...i jz try...
n it works..!!! hahaa.....mayb i should try another day...
perhaps...it got nothing to do wid de date...

datz all for now...
happy CNY folks..!!


Anonymous said...

wahhh... dance club...
i'm also interested... but lazy lol...
wah... y can the eggs stand 1...
so special... must try next time^^
~~HaPpY ChiNeSE NeW YeAR^^!!~~


ξ/~čĦ3ņĜ*CĤuŊ™~\ξ - Templates Novo Blogger 2008